Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My Weekend

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days! I had a busy weekend, being sick!

Saturday morning I was up bright and early to go to our Tri-Ward Super Saturday! We made lots of fun crafts, including hair accessories made out of scraps of ribbon and polymer clay jewelry. I went out to lunch with a few friends, made a pair of glasses out of aluminum foil at Freebirds and then got my hair cut. As promised, here is a picture of said haircut:

Pretty cute, eh? I can do lots of different things with it, I can flip it out or round brush it all in. When Linda (my hair dresser) was first blowing it out, I seriously looked like I was getting Justin Bieber's haircut and that startled me a bit. I haven't been able to get it to not flip out the two times I have actually blown my hair dry...I need to go get a smaller brush!

Okay, so back to the exercise portion of this blog. I didn't get to the gym on Saturday due to my hair cut and us moving things around for when Forest's Mom comes to stay with us next week (I will talk about that later on...). Plus, I started to suddenly feel absolutely sick. I feared that I had the flu because it hit me like a ton of bricks. I spent the night sleeping mostly elevated (which I HATE to do) and when I woke up Sunday, I felt slightly better. I was pretty stuffy, but my discomfort was all in my head so I knew it wasn't the flu. Sunday was the Cystic Fibrosis Great Strides walk. One of my greatest friends, Cassi, has a nephew with CF and this is the second year we have walked for him. So, 7 months pregnant Cassi, her husband Bryce, their 22 month old Jackson, Forest and myself went on a 5K (or so...) walk. It wasn't very hot but it sure was MUGGY. It felt like walking through a cloud of water! At least I got some exercise in this weekend!

I ended up feeling worse Sunday night and by Monday morning, I was feeling 100% terrible. Forest spent the entire day getting our guest bedroom, well, guest-ready. I spent the day in bed with a sinus infection and headache from heck. I opted out of cardio today as well because I still wasn't breathing right. Hopefully tomorrow morning I will be back to normal and I can keep going. I was doing so well, it has really driven me nuts that I haven't been able to go for 5 days! Tomorrow is another day...

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